Wednesday, June 23, 2010


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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The "woman" of today's society is easily a bigger enigma than the "woman" of yesterday. The role reversal that is continually escalating in our culture between men and women is definitely going to hit a clash within the next.....decade?lol

There are few things that are clearly known about women, from MY perspective.....and this in no relation to, "women ARE this and Men ARE NOT"......just my view on the "woman" in America today......

1) Women are completely dishonest.

This would make sense and has been something universally true since the "Garden," which made is so easy for her to be deceived, I believe.......

This makes sense to me as well. I have always believed one's biggest strength is also one's biggest weakness. Women are at the very heart, NURTURER'S , and this is what makes them great mother's. It is also why when the child falls down and hurts, they call for MOM, not Dad. However, this same strength is also their weakness. Because of the huge desire to not hurt feelings...the battle of the truth, which at times REQUIRES hurting one's feelings, becomes a HUGE struggle. I think this is the main reason women are dishonest. Not because they don't care for the truth, they just tend to care MORE to avoid hurting one's feelings.

Side note (or footnote?lol): If you believe Men and Women are compliments of each other, which I do, this is also why when the child does something wrong, typically the mother says, "Do you want me to tell your Father?" as the way to keep the child under control....the "man" is not so concerned with not hurting the child's feelings, or "Butt" for that matter, for the SAKE of truth. However, once again, this is also their downfall because men are not the most "nurturing" of beings.....

2) Women are flakey as hell.......

I think this is almost a sub-point of the first and doesn't need much explanation. Women will say they are interested in something or will do something and continually flake out on the situation over and over again. This occurs EVEN when a disclaimer is made up front that it is OK to say "no" or not feel obligated to do it. I think it reveals even more how much they don't want to hurt feelings. The guy in me just says, "either way you are hurting feelings, it would be better to be upfront about it so you don't waste anyone's time and COMPOUND the hurt feelings." Like all lies, we try to shortcut the "truth" to save, yet ironically condemn deeper by doing so.

3) Finally, I have come to see this over and over again in the "woman" of today....(we are speaking generally, of course, so get your "panties" out of the twist....there is always exceptions to "rules.") They expect the guy to do alllllll the work and give very little in return.....Now, I must concede that this might be more of a "Casey" thing as I tend to attract women who are opposite of me, as seems to be consistent with relationships in our society (insert Paula Abdul Video here). I can't help but think it is past just me, though, as it seems to be more and more a trend with others I hear speaking around me.

I think in the past, this USED to be the main complaint of women against men.....and rightfully so. As women have become more and more "independent," and men have failed to offer what they are supposed to, they have grown so pessimistic of us, that they finally built the wall so high their heart's are impenetrable...little to no vulnerability. And, the role reversal is happening more and more. Therefore, it is now the men pursuing....and grabbing...and pursuing...and pulling....Again, I am not saying this is necessarily "more" on the men side right now, but is definitely shifting to that more and more.

Ahhh, I feel a little better getting that off my chest because I am so tired of talking to girls who are impenetrable and blame the past for it....then, if you don't pursue, you are a bastard too!