Monday, November 3, 2008

DO NOT VOTE! It is the Plague of this Nation!

Jesus would not have ever "voted." Which by the way, is a category most people don't even consider in our "patriotic' country: No Vote.

Changing the world from the inside out was the example Jesus set. Politics NEVER (substantially) changes the world for good. All the history shows that the men who have had the BIGGEST impact on our world for good (Politics can, and does change the world for Evil) were people who had NOTHING to do with politics. (Jesus, Gandhi, MLK...etc) No US president, or any other countries leader, will be remembered in the corridors of history for changing the world for GOOD.

So, I raise MY VOTE to not waste our time with politics and search for those who are presently in our lives, to impact through REAL relationship.

How many status', news articles, and TV programs have I seen devoted on how to" love thy neighbor" recently? Ummm, "none." How many for politics? Too many to count now...I sadly reflect...

Just as God was pissed when Israel wanted a "political system," so again, man focuses on this "system" (just like installing a 'Pastor' of a church) so he can not blame himself for sin, but others....politics is an attempt for man to resolve sin without being condemned in himself...and it shall NEVER work! Politics- another crafty work of the Devil to release us from responsibility. Installing a Pastor of a church-another crafty work of the Devil to release us from responsibility.

NIV 1 Peter 2:5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

ALLLLL of us, not one man to lead...Alll being led by Jesus, as the Body, the cornerstone!

Wow, just got a little passionate there!lol